IWC San Fernando La Union visits Home For The Girls Rehabilitation Center

Inner Wheel Club of San Fernando La Union visited the 40 abused girls at DSWD Home for the Girls Rehabilitation Center, Agoo La Union. They are raped victims and perpetrators are fathers, stepfathers, elder men relatives.

Monthly activities are in store for the girls at the center such as counselling, lectures and spiritual development.

Dra. Sheila Fe of LUMS conducted lectures on Sexual Reproductive Health on how to take care of their body and Anti-Sexual Abuse.

Donation of Personal Hygiene Kits such as sanitary napkins, toothpaste, shampoo, towels.
2 Electric fans were also donated as per request of the kids in addition to their rooms.
Reading magazines and snacks were also given to the girls.
Photo from the left to right, Mz. Leah (OIC), Project Director Sheila Dy, Pres. Dianne Gatchallan, PP Myla Fernandez and Mary Jane Hao.

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