Message from the National Conference Chairman

First and foremost, I would like to thank our beautiful and indefatigable National President Ma. Pamela de Guzman for the trust and confidence she has given me to chair this 55th National Conference. It is truly an honor.

Every year, each national Conference is unique in its own way. It varies in its structure and fundamental quality depending on the perspective and appreciation of each member of IWCPI, but one thing is for sure, all National Conferences have a common denominator: the committed, hardworking, and dedicated members from the different committees who tirelessly work together to meticulously prepare every detail all for one objective… a successful national Conference.

This Inner Wheel Year, we are going to have a different kind of National Conference that we are not used to: the first of its kind Virtual National Conference due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, in compliance with the gathering restrictions imposed by the government, for safety and precautionary purposes. Although, deep in our hearts we do miss the irreplaceable excitement and enchantment of an in-person National conference. We hope and pray for the possibility of holding the National Conference the good old fashioned way as soon as possible, God willing.

This coming 55th National conference, I have outlined our vision as “To have a triumphant National Conference where Inner Wheel members will always look forward to being a part of it and be counted as one in leading the change as manifested in the International Inner Wheel theme for this year “Lead the Change”. This vision will guide us to attain our ultimate goal… a successful NatCon. Through this event, we hope to bring about harmonious working relationships among the different committee members where there is respect, love, care, dedication and commitment. Of course, this year some parts of our usual two-day program will be different, such as the most awaited Talent Night Contest. As the Change Makers, I believe that it is our responsibility and obligation to give our fellow Inner Wheel members a simple and yet interesting and enjoyable Natcon where everyone can actively participate in vaiours segments of the two-day event.

Allow me to share with you the overview of the 55th National Conference which will be done virtually on April 24-25, 2021. If God be willing, we can hold it in Manila Hotel. But as of the moment, all the preparations/planning of the different groups, Program, Administrative and Finance have been made in consideration of the more likely possibility of a virtual NatCon. We have decided not to cut short the usual two-day program because we do believe that each part of the program is essential and should not be missed by members. To make sure that we can have a state of the art execution of the program, we have commissioned a technical group who would put into action on screen all the parts of the two-day Natcon. All personalities with parts in the program will be required to have a video recording in their prescribed attire with the assistance of the technical provider. Video recording will be done in three days and program participants will be divided into three groups. Each group will be given the specific date and time of video recording in order to avoid long queues while maintaining social distancing. Guests and speakers will be given separate schedules for video recording at their convenience.

The traditional processional will not be possible. Therefore, an honor roll will take place instead. Details and technical requirements will be sent in advance to the concerned personalities. All reports, announcements, presentations for the Talent Night and Fellowship Night will be pre-recorded, including the decision of the judges. Photo exhibits will be pre-judged and all entries will be uploaded in a virtual room of the IWCPI Facebook page starting April 1, 2021, where the judging is done by this time. Members can view all entries anytime and can even write a comment or like them. Likewise, Sisterhood, Presentation of the IWCPI and IWCPFI candidates by the CONOMELEC, including the announcement of the election results will be pre-recorded. The IWPFI Hour will also be pre-recorded, therefore, a specific date and time will be allotted for each program participant, including the recognition and pinning of the generous Heart Pin Donors.

Concerned Committees have already submitted their plans and methodologies in connection with their respective committees. Though we are going virtual, which means everything will be prepared and recorded in advance, which will be viewed on-screen, the 55th National Conference Committee will make sure that each and every online attendee will enhoy the entertainment and big raffle prizes. Let us engage our fellow Inner Wheel members to join us in this one time opportunity to be part of the Virtual National Conference by registering in advance to experience the prestige of this first of its kind event, and to take part in some big raffle prizes.

Before I end, let me thank all the lovely and energetic chairs and co-chairs of various committees for your commitment and dedication to serve our prestigious organization. As Change Makers, let us work together and strive to make the meaningful changes we hope to bring into the world. Thank you and God bless us all

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