52th National Conference – a big success

“Gratitude is the memory of the heart,” as the saying goes. And the 52nd National Conference of the Inner Wheel Clubs of the Philippines, Inc. held on February 23-24 at the Manila Hotel Tent was filled with thanksgiving to all the officers, members, and partners at the National, District and Club levels.

There were 550 delegates from all over the country who graced the occasion The presence of International Inner Wheel President Kapila Gupta made the occasion more memorable.

A very meaningful Opening Ceremonies led by National Convention Chair Marilyn “Malen” Ang and National President Gloria “Baby” Golez signalled the official start of the event, followed by an opening salvo – LuzViMin which showcased the diversity and culture of the Philippines was performed by the members of District 383.

Keynote speaker of the Conference is no less than the International Inner Wheel President Kapila Gupta. During her speech, she focused on three main points that the members should accomplish for this year: (1) To support and strengthen each club; (2) Focus and increase humanitarian services differently; and (3) To enhance Inner Wheel branding and public recognition and image. She congratulated IWCPI for having a well-structured organization and for the many projects it has implemented, promoting and making Inner Wheel visible in the country. She is very happy that the 2-day event’s live coverage in Facebook which will enable Inner Wheel members in other countries see what Inner Wheel is in the Philippines.

National Representative Bebe Relucio reported IWCPI’s compliance with the different IIW mandated activities. She also presented the charter papers to newly organized clubs, together with National President Gloria “Baby” Golez and IIW President Kapila Gupta.

Highlighting the conference is the respective report of the 9 Districts with their service projects anchored on the theme, “Leave a lasting a legacy.” Among the special projects implemented nationwide is the gift giving program for the soldiers who liberated the city of Marawi from the rebels. There were also relief operations held for the thousands of Marawi evacuees.

One of the thrusts and directions of NP Gloria “Baby” Golez is the alliance and partnership with national and local government, rotary clubs, NGOS and businesses. A high impact partnership forged was the IPACMAN medical assistance given to indigent patients.

National President Gloria “Baby” Golez brought the house down with the news of receiving a donation from a very prominent corporation which vision is the same as the organization. She also announced the extension of the use of the land and building for the next 25 years. This is a granted prayer of the IWCPI since the use of the place for our headquarters will expire in 2023.

In the evening, RI Director Rafael Garcia III inspired the delegates with the story behind his generous contribution to the Rotary Foundation making him one of the members of the Arch C Klump Society. “When God gave me more than enough for my family, I knew that the rest of the blessings is for me to share to the least of those in need. Being a Rotarian and Jesuit-educated, Raffy has embodied the motto of Rotary to be of service to others above self and be man for others. This is his way of leaving a legacy and he affirmed and challenged the ladies of Inner wheel to continue to live the Inner Wheel Vision and Mission.

Capping the first day is the fun and fellowship of the ladies in their Retro 60 and 70’s attire. Dancing to the music of Abba, Bee Gees, Earth, Wind and Fire and all the favourite songs of the 60s and 70s, performed by home grown talents – the “Dream Girls”, reminisced the good old times of most of the ladies.

Second day event began with the partnering of the clubs with other district clubs to foster sisterhood. This was followed by the recognition of the donors of the IWCFI from the different clubs. Long-time members who have recruited their family members to the Inner Wheel were also recognized as their way of leaving a lasting legacy.

Highlighting the morning’s affair is another inspiring message of our guest, Edna Sutter, IPDG of District 3830 who shared nuggets of wisdom from the teachings and life of her parents. The lesson about the wheel shared by her father anchored her commitment to Rotary. She shared, “My father taught me about the lesson of the wheel. He said, “Life is like a wheel, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. When you are up, help those in need because someday, when you go down, someone else will help you go up again. So when I saw the logo of the Rotary, I knew that this is my way of paying forward.”

Peace and Understanding. These are the two legacies in Inner Wheel that Past National President Mary Jane “MJ” Ortega espoused among the Inner Wheel Ladies. Ortega is one of the charter members of IWC of San Fernando La Union, one of the first clubs included during the organization of the Inner Wheel Clubs of the Philippines, Inc. She shared: “Conflicts and difference may arise as we work together but friendship between and among each other is the one that should last forever”. She also emphasized the commitment given especially by the Past National President, who up to now has continuously supporting and working with the different committees of the organization regardless of their age.

The most awaited evening showcased the talents of the Inner Wheel ladies with their song and dance rendition of Modern Broadway and Disney musical.

Truly, the 52nd National Conference of Inner Wheel Clubs of the Philippines, Inc was a two day celebration of hard work, selfless service to our brethren in need, fun and fellowship. This was only possible through the untiring preparation made by the National Conference Working Committees led by Overall Chairman Marilyn “Malen” Ang, her co-chairs PDC Teresita “Tess” Baello, PDC May Martinez and PDC Anne Margaret San Antonio.

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